Personal Project




Project Details

Project Details

🔸 Timeline: 3 weeks

🔸 Type: Personal Project

🔸 Industry: Entertainment and Media

🔸 Tools Used: Figma, Miro, Notion

My Team

My Team

🔸 Solo End-to-end Designer



🔸 When I moved to Los Angeles for work, I struggled to find friends and events that aligned with my cultural background. As an Indian, I yearned for a sense of community and connection to my roots, but found it challenging to establish a social circle and discover traditional Indian events.

🔸 Many of my Indian friends who were in a similar situation echoed my feelings, so it led me to wonder… how can I create a social user experience that will help people like me, to find friends and events that make them feel at home?

How might we make it easier for people of Indian origin to find social events within their cultural community?
How might we facilitate the formation of friendships and social groups amongst individuals of Indian heritage?

How might we make it easier for people of Indian origin to find social events within their cultural community?
How might we facilitate the formation of friendships and social groups amongst individuals of Indian heritage?

How might we make it easier for people of Indian origin to find social events within their cultural community?
How might we facilitate the formation of friendships and social groups amongst individuals of Indian heritage?



🔸 DESI PARTY, a mobile app that brings together individuals from the Indian community to enhance their social experience.

Key Features

Key Features

User Research

User Research

🔸 User research was necessary to see if other people felt the same way I do, and to validate if this was a genuine problem.

🔸 I targeted Indians between the age of 18-35 years, and extensively interviewed them to understand their experiences and challenges.

🔸 This allowed me to delve into the mind of a user to capture a user’s feelings, thoughts and actions, which I was then able to map out using an empathy map.

Empathy Map

Empathy Map

All users shared the sentiment of lacking a way to discover Indian events and friends, and expressed a strong desire for more Indian connections.
“I grab these opportunities to express my cultural identity” ~ User

All users shared the sentiment of lacking a way to discover Indian events and friends, and expressed a strong desire for more Indian connections.
“I grab these opportunities to express my cultural identity” ~ User

Users shared the sentiment of lacking a way to discover Indian events and friends,
and expressed a strong desire for more Indian connections.

“I grab these opportunities to express my cultural identity” ~ User

Why Existing Apps Weren't Effective

Why Existing Apps Weren't Effective

🔸 After analyzing industry leaders in the event discovery space, EventBrite, Meetup and Fever, I discovered they weren’t effective in addressing the needs of the Indian community -

🔹 They don’t specifically cater to the Indian community, so Indian events get lost amongst all other events

🔹  Not all events are fully represented on these platforms, and many Indian events tend to get missed

🔹  Elaborate process to host events on these platforms, which can be stressful and confusing

My goal became to develop a comprehensive solution to invoke a feeling of homely connection for Indians.

My goal became to develop a comprehensive solution to invoke a
feeling of homely connection for Indians.

Layout Decisions

🔸 It was important to keep the user interface simple. I wanted the visuals of events and users as the focal point of the user experience, to create an instant attraction to encourage users to further use the app.

🔸 For the event details page, I ensured that all necessary information was presented in a clear and organized manner without overwhelming the user. I intentionally designed user profiles similar to that of Instagram to provide a sense of familiarity to the target user group.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Bringing Out a Nostalgic, Homely Feeling through the Colors of the Indian Flag

Bringing Out a Nostalgic, Homely Feeling through the Colors of the Indian Flag

🔸 Picking the color scheme was a no-brainer - I decided to go with the hues of the Indian Flag to create an instant emotional connection with the users.

🔸 ‘DESI’ is a Hindi word, that’s used to refer to things of Indian origin. It is a well-recognized word amongst all Indians, including those who may not be fluent in Hindi.

Style Guide

Style Guide

Polishing and Perfecting Based on User Feedback

Polishing and Perfecting Based on User Feedback

🔸 A notable change based on user testing was to remove the disabled CTA to register (indicating that the user had already registered) and replace it with a bold banner on top.

🔸 This was necessary as the disabled CTA caused confusion amongst the users. They could not immediately understand why the CTA was disabled.

In retrospect, I came to understand that a disabled CTA could be misinterpreted as

🔹 An event being in the past

🔹 Too many people have already registered

🔹 Event not being available to the user (Event is only for a select audience)

🔸 Through the use of a bold banner on top, and eliminating the disabled CTA, I was able to provide a clearer and more intuitive experience to the user.

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

Click here to interact with the prototype.

How I'd make DESI PARTY more Awesome

How I'd make DESI PARTY more Awesome

🔹 Use Gamification techniques such as vouchers, incentives for inviting friends to join the app, etc, to improve user conversion rate and other KPIs 🕹️ 🎮

🔹 Include information on Event Info page on how to reach destination through different modes of transport, to make it easy for users to plan their day 🚌 🚘 🚶🏼‍♂️

🔹 In-app marketplace to allow users to buy and sell event tickets, merchandise and food, in an attempt to create a wholesome one-stop app for all things Indian 🥘 🎟️ 🎁

My Learnings

My Learnings

🔹 Less is More: I had a lot of ideas but limited myself to implement only the MVP, with a clean UI, which was sufficient enough to serve the purpose ✅

🔹 The impact of color psychology and powerful visuals: During user testing, I could see the joy on users’ faces as they saw the vibrant visuals on the splash page, as it immediately reminded them of their favorite events; That was exactly the emotion I wanted to invoke, and to see that happen helped me appreciate the importance of leveraging colors and visuals 🎨 🖼️

Thank You for Reading!

© 2024 Meenakshi Shyamsundar

© 2024 Meenakshi Shyamsundar

© 2024 Meenakshi Shyamsundar