Here's the story of my journey into product design.
I pursued a bachelor's degree in engineering. I was intrigued by the area of communications and signal processing as it was a fascinating world of algorithms that transport 0s and 1s. The challenge of optimizing communication from point A to B, balancing time, capacity, and budget, while minimizing message loss, captivated me. This interest led me to further my studies with a Master's degree, deepening my knowledge and skills in the same area.
Upon graduation, I joined the aerospace industry, applying my expertise to design satellite systems for efficient communication. During these years, I honed my skills in coding, research, data analysis, design, prototyping, and documentation, participating in various stages of the product development lifecycle across many projects.
It was during this time that I met a Product Designer. Watching her work, I realized she was solving the same kinds of problems that fascinated me in engineering, but with tangible, impactful outcomes. This is probably the time to mention my interest in psychology. Growing up, I was always fascinated by how the mind works, spending hours reading psychology articles to understand the intricacies of human behavior. Discovering a field where psychology plays as much of a crucial role as engineering blew my mind. It was a revelation—my two passions, psychology and engineering, coming together to make a difference.
Driven by this discovery, I spent the next year immersing myself in the field of product design, learning everything I could. Each day reinforced my belief that I had made the right choice in switching careers. My engineering background provided me with a technical and analytical mindset that proved invaluable in product design. The transferable skills and knowledge allowed me to approach design from a unique perspective, enhancing my design thinking capabilities.
My engineering experience has made me data-driven, while my interest in psychology has made me user-focused. I aim to use this data-driven, user-centered mindset to create and design meaningful digital products. My goal is to find the most efficient way to convey the right message and experience to users, much like how I used to for satellite communications.
Product design allows me to blend my technical expertise with my passion for understanding human behavior. Together, they form the foundation of my aspiration to create sophisticated, user-centered digital products.